Monday, August 5, 2013

Day 8: Speak up!

No matter how loud he shouts, his voice cannot be heard, unless someone with a louder voice speaks up on his behalf. That's where you and I come in.

More great news today. Thanks to your awareness-raising efforts, the blog continues to receive a growing amount of traffic, up to about 150 visits a day. And as a result, we're getting closer to our goal of 20 scholarships for children of the slums! Yesterday our total jumped up to $1,505! Thank you for all of your support!

So we're now at 3 scholarships sponsored! That's 3 of these kids' lives that will be forever changed by the opportunity to escape child labor and receive proper nutrition and education!

Please chip in whatever you can afford--it all adds up! The result is priceless. These are girls enrolled at our "Children's Hope Center" just a few minute's walk from where the above photo was taken, in Hyderabad, India. Once in seemingly hopeless situations, now they are full of hope, with drastically improved better chances at success in life.

They have a chance because someone cared! And because I know you care (you've read this far), please take action for the kids who have not yet had a chance at an education. Speak up on their behalf by sharing this blog, or by donating whatever you can afford (even if it's just $5--it all counts and makes an exponential impact). Every effort, no matter how small, counts!

On to what I was able to put together for today's meals, using just $1 worth of ingredients. Hunger motivates you to creativity and improvisation with limited resources, and makes anything that's fresh and hot taste like a feast. In our culture of excess, we often lose this sensation.

Breakfast. Basic oatmeal and raisins with seasoned salt, and a breakfast taco made of brown rice, pinto beans, boiled potatoes and one hard boiled egg, served on a corn tortilla. ▼

Lunch. Needed a quick lunch so I just threw together a very basic ramen noodle / pasta soup with potatoes, carrots and pinto beans. Although limited in overall calorie count, this soup had a hearty texture and thanks to the right seasonings, it was delicious. ▼

Dinner. Another breakthrough dish, coming from the inspiration of a reader, thank you again to all who are sending in recipe ideas! Vegetarian Texas Chili. I used a very quick-and-dirty adaptation of this recipe. I "bought" a few teaspoons of seasonings and some cornmeal from my existing stock, and believe I stayed well within my allotted budget for the day. I used only mashed pinto beans for the stock, and two corn tortillas for added substance. This was absolutely divine! And all for under 35 cents! I hope these meals inspire you to experiment with simplicity in your diet, for better health and saving you money so that you can be more generous to those in need.

Thanks so much for your continued support! I'm holding steady at the end of day 8!

Please take action on one or all of the following points!

1) Please consider giving toward scholarships for children of the slums. Our goal is to cover a scholarship for 20 kids to get an education this next year. Every little bit helps!

2) Please visit my unofficial sponsor, through this link. 7% of your purchases made through the link are given to Peace Gospel. If you're in the UK, use this link.

3) If you're compelled by my effort here, please share it with friends. One of the main goals is awareness. So if you can help with that, huge.

4) Leave me feedback. Please comment on this post, especially if you have any ideas about what I should try to cook with these ingredients I have available. I love hearing from you! It really helps!

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