I'd like to dedicate day 6 to this brave young girl I met in the slums of Kathmandu, Nepal. She along with several other children all fend for themselves while parents are away seeking day labor jobs. It seems that it's only a few grandparents scattered about the colonies who are there to watch after the children. Sadly, many like her will fall victim to human trafficking. That's her home behind her.
We're in the process of launching a new "Children's Hope Center" in her slum colony. Scholarship funds raised from my campaign here will help us get started in assisting the first few children we hope to enroll in the program later this month. It is only through education and proper nutrition that these children stand any chance to break out of the cruel cycle of extreme poverty.
Nutrition is key because a child suffering from malnutrition cannot be
properly educated. Although education is no guarantee of success, a
child without an education will stay only in the same position as their
parents at best. A scene from her colony...
Nepal is one of the poorest nations in the world. It is no exaggeration at all to say that millions of Nepalese live on about $1 per day, and not just for food, but all living expenses. As a result, many live in these make shift homes made of tarps and scraps they find in the trash dumps. They build their homes in areas prone to flooding or other areas not suitable for permanent construction, like along the river. No electricity, no running water, of course.
A photo of the other side of the equation... hope, at our orphanage in Kathmandu. Orphan girls who were rescued from child labor, now with lives full of promise. They attend a good school near the orphanage home, and benefit from nutritious meals provided from organic ingredients grown on our farmland.
Here's how you can participate in making a difference! Today we remain at just $400 to go until we reach the first step--funding scholarship #1 of 20. Any amount you could spare to help me reach this first step, and forever change the course of a child's life, would be a great way to make a difference! Please follow this link to make a donation of any amount today!
On to how I fared on $1 of food today... I had some good dishes and overall it's working out pretty well, all things considered.
Breakfast. A slight variation on the breakfast taco. I fried an egg "sunny side up" and used the runny yolk as a kind of sauce on the beans and rice, and topped with some chopped raw carrots. Delicious! Usual 1/3 cup of oatmeal I have rationed for each day of the challenge. With seasoned salt, the savory flavor reminds me of grits. A good way to mix things up so it doesn't seem like you're getting the same boring oatmeal every day. ▼
Lunch. Maybe my best creation yet. Thanks to a suggestion of someone following this blog (thank you Paula!) I tried a vegetarian version of this recipe for cabbage rolls. I substituted pinto beans for the beef and just left out the onions. My cabbage is very green because I chose the discarded outer leaves of the cabbage heads in the bin at the grocery store. I could get more that way based on weight, and it seems there's more nutrition in the leaves the greener they are, right? Used some of my pasta sauce to create a tomato soup kind of sauce that the recipe calls for. Boom! It was delicious! And all for about 30-40 cents!▼
Dinner. All my remaining rations for day 6 allowed for was just enough for a good potato-noodle-tortilla soup. With the right spices from the ramen along with black pepper, this was filling and very tasty. This probably cost less than 20 cents! ▼
Thanks for your continued support! The blog continues to gain attention--thank you so much for sharing. It shows me that people care, and this gives me hope that caring will lead to action! You can take action by doing one or all of the following...
1) Please consider giving toward scholarships for children of the slums. Our goal is to cover a scholarship for 20 kids to get an education this next year. Every little bit helps! Currently at $100 of my $10,000 goal, but just $400 to go until we reach the first step--funding scholarship #1 of 20.
2) Please visit my unofficial sponsor, Amazon.com through this link. 7% of your purchases made through the link are given to Peace Gospel. If you're in the UK, use this link.
3) If you're compelled by my effort here, please share it with friends. One of the main goals is awareness. So if you can help with that, huge.
4) Leave me feedback. Please comment on this post, especially if you have any ideas about what I should try to cook with these ingredients I have available. I love hearing from you! It really helps!
Here to heighten awareness for the plight of the world's poorest: the millions of urban slum dwellers who live on an average of $1 per day. In an attempt to identify with one aspect of their struggle, I'll be living on just $30 of food for 30 days. It's not anywhere close to the challenge they experience, and not intended to represent an equivalent of their situation. However I hope it will awaken us to our excesses and remind us of what we take for granted.
Wow, really its version of the cabbagerolls looks delicious and healthy!! :D